Sunday, April 30, 2006

Blogger's Blog...

Its really interesting to see that writing blogs is becoming famous with evryone. Recently one of my college mate joined the club of bloggers after seeing my blogs. The way people write their blogs are really differnet and varies quite drastically from one person to other. So far i would have gone through some hundreds of blogs but till now i havent seen anyone having similar style. There are many interesting blogs and most of them contain facts, jokes, about people, world happenings, people's daily happenings and many more. Out of these i always like the ones in which people talk about themselves. Thats tht reason why i started my blog writing something about myself.

Just by going through a person's blog, you can guess what type of a person the blogger could be. To my surprise all those blogs which i have read are written my EXTROVERTS. I am 100% sure about it. Please dont ask me how i can be sure of that. One of the recent blogs which i enjoyed was the one which had something about DA VINCI CODE. The blog contained data(or facts) which the blogger said that it was printed in the book due to some problems. But the data it had really shooked me for a second. It may even be true!!! Though if anyone does not believe in the facts told in that book, i am sure they would have enjoyed the book for its
excellent story and suspense and the bottom line is, it is an great FICTION story.

In another blog which i read exactly three days before was about a guy's love. It was really great fun to go through the blog. The guy was in love with his college mate but unfortunately she was his senior.(Ohhh!!! what a sad moment). But still he didnt loose his hope and was looking for her and after a year he got in touch with her and became one of her close friends. Though his friends stressed him to tell her his LOVE, he hesitated. It was that girl's final year of college and it was the FAREWELL day and on this day he decided to tell her his love. But there was a dramatical end to this love story. When the guy went to propose her, she introduced the guy's brother as her LOVER. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

I dont know whether that was a real story or he wrote it for fun but it was really fun reading that blog. The way he described the girl and his love was really great and enjoyable. I am sure there would be thousands and thousands of love stories like this written as blogs all over the world. The more important thing in writing blogs is getting a feed back from the reader after going through the blog. It would really encourage you and
even some of your ideas will be questioned and gives you a chance to tell others and defend your thoughts and ideas. But for me, i dont see many reading my blog. Maybe i am not good enough to attract people.

I too wanted to use all those Hi-Fi words in my text to add something but i would loose my originality. No i dont want to lose it!!! But still i feel that from the few comments which i get now and then, i can gain something and improve things.


Nazgul said...

hehehe.. when r u writing your love story aravind machi..

Unsounded said...

the col mate which i hav mentioned is u da... And u know me very well da... so NO LOVE...

Nazgul said...

exactly when did i ever post about loves machi??? lol.. ur imagination is getting real wild...